
das; -s <griech.> (Bot. gelber Pflanzenfarbstoff)

Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung. 2013.

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  • Xanthophyll — Xan tho*phyll, n. [Xantho + Gr. fy llon leaf.] (Bot.) A yellow coloring matter found in yellow autumn leaves, and also produced artificially from chlorophyll; formerly called also {phylloxanthin}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Xanthophyll — Xanthophyll, s. Chlorophyll …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • xanthophyll — [zan′thə fil] n. [ XANTHO + PHYLL] a yellow, crystalline pigment, C40H56O2, found in plants; lutein: it is related to carotene and is the basis of the yellow seen in autumn leaves xanthophyllous [zan΄fil′əs] adj …   English World dictionary

  • Xanthophyll — Xanthophylls (originally phylloxanthins) are yellow pigments from the carotenoid group. Their molecular structure is based on carotenes; contrary to the carotenes, some hydrogen atoms are substituted by hydroxyl groups and/or some pairs of… …   Wikipedia

  • xanthophyll — Oxygenated derivative of carotene; a yellow plant pigment, occurring also in egg yolk and corpus luteum. SYN: lutein (2), luteol, luteole. * * * xan·tho·phyll zan thə .fil n any of several neutral yellow to orange carotenoid pigments that are… …   Medical dictionary

  • xanthophyll — n. a yellow pigment found in green leaves. An example of a xanthophyll is lutein …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • xanthophyll — ksantofilas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Karotinoidų grupės pigmentas, kurio molekulėje yra deguonies. Yra augalų lapuose, žieduose, vaisiuose, pumpuruose, mikroorganizmuose, dumbliuose, kiaušinio trynyje, kepenyse,… …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • xanthophyll — noun Etymology: French xanthophylle, from xanth + phylle phyll Date: 1838 any of several yellow to orange carotenoid pigments that are oxygen derivatives of carotenes; especially lutein …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Xanthophyll — Strukturen einiger Xanthophylle Astaxanthin (CAS 472 61 7) Canthaxanthin (CAS 514 78 3) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • xanthophyll — n. [Gr. xanthos, yellow; phyllon, leaf] An oxidised derivative of carotene found in the blood of some plant eating insects …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • xanthophyll — xanthophyllous, adj. /zan theuh fil/, n. Biochem. lutein (def. 1). Also, xanthophyl. [1830 40; < F xanthophylle. See XANTHO , PHYLL] * * * …   Universalium

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