
['saibɐspe:s], der; -, -s <engl.> (EDV virtueller Raum)

Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung. 2013.

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  • Cyberspace — Cyberspace …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • cyberspace — UK US (also cyber space) /ˈsaɪbəˌspeɪs/ noun [U] INFORMAL INTERNET ► the internet considered as an imaginary area where emails, websites, etc. exist, especially when information is passing between one computer and another: »It is not surprising… …   Financial and business terms

  • cyberspace — n. The nonphysical territory occupied by the Internet and computer networks. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

  • cyberspace — (n.) 1982, often as two words at first, coined by science fiction writer William Gibson (best known for Neuromancer ) and used by him in a short story published in 1982, from cyber (see CYBERNETICS (Cf. cybernetics)) + SPACE (Cf. space) (n.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • cyberspace — [n] computer world communications, computer network, data bank, data network, electronic highway, electronic mail, email, global village, infobahn*, information space, information superhighway*, information technology, Internet, online community …   New thesaurus

  • cyberspace — ► NOUN ▪ the notional environment in which communication over computer networks occurs …   English terms dictionary

  • cyberspace — [sī′bər spās΄] n. [ CYBER(NETIC) + SPACE: coined by William Gibson (1948 ), U.S. writer, in his novel Neuromancer (1984)] the electronic system of interlinked networks of computers, bulletin boards, etc. that is thought of as being a boundless… …   English World dictionary

  • Cyberspace — For other uses, see Cyberspace (disambiguation). Part of the series on Cyborgs Cyborgology Bionics / Biomimicry Biomedical engineering Brain computer interface Cybernetics Distributed cognition Genetic engineering Human ecosystem Human… …   Wikipedia

  • Cyberspace — Heute technisch mögliches Cyberspace Erlebnis, hier mit einer VR Ausrüstung der NASA Der Begriff Cyberspace ist ein Kunstwort, das aus Cyber (englische Kurzform für „Kybernetik“, von griechisch Kybernetike, „Kunst des Steuermanns“) und Space… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cyberspace — /suy beuhr spays /, n. 1. the realm of electronic communication. 2. See virtual reality. [1985 90; CYBER(NETIC) + SPACE] * * * ▪ 1996 by Robert Everett Green       Like the Land of Oz, cyberspace was originally the invention of a writer, the… …   Universalium

  • Cyberspace — Cy|ber|space 〈[ saıbə(r)spɛıs] m.; ; unz.; EDV〉 nur in einem EDV System existenter Raum, in dem Wahrnehmung u. Fortbewegung mithilfe von Spezialgeräten (wie Datenhandschuhe, Raumbrille usw.) möglich sind; Sy digitale Welt [<grch. kybernetike… …   Universal-Lexikon

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