
(svw. Massai)

Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung. 2013.

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  • Maasai — Infobox Ethnic group group = Maasai image caption = population = 883,000 region1 = flagcountry|Kenya spaces|8(estimates vary) pop1 = 377,089 or 453,000 ref1 = lower| lower|0.95em| region2 = flagcountry|Tanzania (northern) pop2 = 430,000 ref3 =… …   Wikipedia

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  • Maasai — Maa|sai: Selbstbezeichnung der ↑ Massai. * * * Maasai,   afrikanisches Volk, Masai …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Maasai — n. African people group located in Kenya and Tanzania n. language of the Maasai people group …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Maasai — /mah suy , mah suy/, n., pl. Maasais, (esp. collectively) Maasai. Masai …   Useful english dictionary

  • Maasai people — Maasai Maasai warriors jumping Total population approx. 1.5 million Regions with significant populations …   Wikipedia

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