- Sext
- S`ext,die; -, -en <lat.> (drittes Tagesgebet des Breviers; österr. svw. Sexte)
Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung. 2013.
Neuregelung der deutschen Rechtschreibung. 2013.
Sext — • Article on the midday office Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Sext Sext † Catholic … Catholic encyclopedia
Sext — Sext, or Sixth Hour, is a fixed time of prayer of the Divine Office of almost all the traditional Christian liturgies. It is consists mainly of psalms and is said at noon. Its name comes from Latin and refers to the sixth hour of the day after… … Wikipedia
Sext — (von lat. sexta „die sechste“) ist eine der drei Kleinen Horen (Terz, Sext, Non) im Stundengebet der katholischen Kirche. Sie wird zur sechsten Stunde der antiken Tageseinteilung gebetet (ca. 12:00 Uhr) und ist das Mittagsgebet der Kirche. In… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sext — Sext, n. [L. sexta, fem. of sextus sixtt, fr. sex six: cf. F. sexte.] (R.C.Ch.) (a) The office for the sixth canonical hour, being a part of the Breviary. (b) The sixth book of the decretals, added by Pope Boniface VIII. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sext — (lat. sexta hora), s. Horae canonicae … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
sext- — ❖ ♦ Élément, du lat. sextus « sixième ». ⇒ 1. Sex ; sexte, sextidi, sextillion … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sext — die; , en <aus (kirchen)lat. sexta (hora) »sechste (Stunde)« zu lat. sextus »sechster«>: 1. drittes Tagesgebet des ↑Breviers (zur sechsten Tagesstunde, 12 Uhr). 2. vgl. ↑Sexte … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
sext — [sekst] n. [ME sexte < ML(Ec) sexta < L sexta (hora), sixth (hour), fem. of sextus, SIXTH] [often S ] the fourth of the canonical hours, originally assigned to the sixth hour of the day (i.e., to noon, counting from 6 A.M … English World dictionary
sext — 1. noun a) The fourth of the canonical hours; usually held at noon. b) A sexual text message. 2. verb a) To send a sext message. b) To send ( … Wiktionary
sext — {{11}}sext (n.) early 15c., from L. sexta (hora), fem. of sextus, ordinal of sex (see SIX (Cf. six)). {{12}}sext (v.) by 2005, from contraction of SEX (Cf. sex) + TEXT (Cf. text) (v.). Related: Sexted; sexting … Etymology dictionary
sext — n. Eccl. 1 the canonical hour of prayer appointed for the sixth daytime hour (i.e. noon). 2 the office of sext. Etymology: ME f. L sexta hora sixth hour f. sextus sixth … Useful english dictionary